
Winter Garden

Cold, wet weather for me means I am staying indoors and bundling up. I am a summer baby and do not enjoy being outside for long periods unless I absolutely have to. 

However, I do have somewhat of a green thumb, passed down from my grandmother, and I love to garden. I was on Pinterest the other day and ran across a pin of regrowing green onions and even romaine lettuce indoors in a glass of water. Of course I had to put this one to the test. 

love green onions as a garnish to many of my dishes and am always picking up a new bunch on trips to the grocery store. Green onions are not super expensive, but if I can save a couple of dollars, I will. Also, i think this counts as a pretty cool science experiment. 

A few nights ago, I cut off the root of my onions and placed in a shot glass of water. Today, you can see they are already sprouting, so cool! 

Excited, to see them full grown and ready to be used :) 

The picture above was taken with my Samsung Galaxy S3 and posted to my Instagram, be sure to follow @onnahandmade 

Love. Peace. Happiness. 

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